Pros and Cons of pre-school learning

Parents send their children to pre-school from a really early age. Some pre-schools admit children when they are not even a month old. Pre-schools teach children many skills through their early childhood education programs like enhancing their social skills and exploring their learning potentials. However, there are many risks also associated with sending your child to pre-school from such an early age. Parents should think very well about the education of their children, know the place where they will spend most of the day and know the benefits and disadvantages of leaving their children in the care of other people.

Preschool education is something that many parents prefer for their children. This is because there are a number of benefits to enrolling your child in a pre-school education program; however, there are also disadvantages that you should consider.

Pros and Cons of Pre-school learning

Usually, most parents want their children to learn to read and write quickly before they start primary school. On the other side, there are those who consider that early literacy in children is a mistake until they have reached adequate maturity.

Advantages of pre-school learning

Many parents prefer sending their children to pre-schools because they have seen other parents betting on the advantages it carries.

1. Advanced reading and comprehension

  • Children may have a more advanced level of reading and writing by the time they enter primary school. This makes it easier to teach them new content.
  • Children can start reading and writing from earlier ages.
  • Children are interested in reading and better understand the meaning of stories and even starting making up stories themselves.

2. Get used to being away from home

The process of adapting the child to new environments, such as pre-school or daycare makes it easier for them to attend school. Since they are accustomed to a routine, they do not resist the house and their parents. Children who go to pre-school learn to socialize faster with other children their age. This is important, especially in children who do not have siblings and whose parents work all day. The process of adapting the child to new environments, such as daycare, makes it easier for him to attend school.

Although leaving the house is something that is often seen as a pro than a con, during pre-school child will be separated from you and your partner. Being separated during the day with pre-school education is often beneficial, as it will prepare your child for kindergarten and school; however, it can lead to behavioural problems if the child feels abandoned. This is something you should think about.

3. Develop social skills

The pre-school will give your children the opportunity to develop some social skills and, they will learn about interaction with others. This is exceptionally beneficial for them. Children are more likely to learn to improve at an earlier age, so they will benefit from the advantages offered by the pre-school.

Children’s minds are labelled as “Absorbent Minds” from ages 1-7. This means that they learn everything really fast.

4. Language development

When children are exposed to the outer world, and they interact with people of all ages, their language skills develop really fast. When the children are at home, they do not talk too many people as compared to when they are at a pre-school.

With a super mind that can learn and absorb as well as comprehend more than four languages till the age of 5, sending your child to a pre-school is a great option.

5. Exposure

An important advantage is that children learn about music, arts and many other great activities in pre-school education. This means that they are more likely to grow with some kind of interests. Having interest will make it possible to learn more and achieve something in life. It will also help to prevent children from having bad behaviour at an older age or, who gets bored or has other learning disabilities.

Disadvantages of pre-school learning

Pre-schools might be the first choice of many parents, but that does not necessarily mean that they are all good. There are a number of disadvantages or concerns that must be put to rest before sending your little one to Pre-school.

1. Fear of competition

 Children who do not achieve goals feel frustrated and may dislike reading and writing. They may start feeling envious from their friends who could learn faster and better. If not properly handled, these jealousies might become a problematic trait in the future.

Early education requires prior learning such as psychomotor development, linguistic communication, the development of cognitive processes, etc.

2. Personality problems

There may be an excess of sensory stimulation that leads the child to have extra energy and does not concentrate properly. The pre-school is the earliest and therefore most important building block of the educational life of any child. If the foundation is not proper, and the child acquires unsolved issues, they may become a part of their personality.

3.  Absence of parents at the crucial age

Remember that at an early age, the emotional and intellectual growth of children should focus on forging and strengthening ties with their parents. These ties are more important for the proper functioning and development of the brain.

The child may think of himself as not good enough or have other personality issues due to lack of care from the parents.

4. The cost of education

Not all pre-school education is free. There are many programs that are designed for children from low-income families, but there are many options that cost a lot of money. It is often difficult for parents to get the money to send their children to the best education.

5. School diseases

There is also the possibility that a child can get a disease. Schools are full of many other diseases and are often in very close groups. This is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and viruses.

Children at a young age have very low immunity and are prone to getting sick. Therefore, if your child’s classmate has the flu, there is a 75% chance that your little one may acquire it too.


Pre-school is a great option for many children, but they are not for everyone. It is important to consider the pros and cons of education before enrolling your child in the nearest pre-school from your home. This will help determine if it is money well spent or if you can arrange for a better option than pre-school. Talk to your partner and weigh the pros and cons before trusting the care of your little one into someone else’s hands.

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