What to Keep in Mind As You Organize an Outdoor Auto Show

Holding a fun outdoor auto show can be an exciting and potentially profitable opportunity. After all, according to our sources, about 17,500 openings are available for car body and glass repair experts every year: and that’s just one part of the industry! However, it’s critical to take the time to properly prepare for your show in Orlando to protect your attendees and avoid complications.

Total Viewing Area Demands

Just how much room will you need for your car show? That all depends on many factors, including how many vehicles you’re showcasing, how much room you want to display them, and how many people are attending. All these different factors make it challenging, so it’s important to plan ahead and find areas with a large and open space where you can put up multiple vehicles.

We suggest getting measurements for each vehicle and making sure that there are at least five to six feet of space around each car for your visitors to walk. You’ll also need to consider places for your visitors to sit and other amenities that we’ll discuss below. Taking these factors into consideration will ensure that you properly prepare and execute your big show.

Sitting Area Amenities

A lengthy outdoor auto show is likely to have hundreds of people visiting, and you need to make sure they have places to sit. For example, outdoor pavilions not only provide comfortable tables and chairs but a roof where your visitors can get out of the sun. Here, they can relax between vehicles, talk with other people, and relax after a busy day of sightseeing.

Make sure that you place these areas strategically throughout your show, including near popular viewing areas. For example, we suggest putting some near muscle other luxury vehicles to help your visitors feel more comfortable and engaged. In this way, you can improve your car show’s comfort level and make it a more attractive and interesting place to visit.

Facilities You’ll Need

Now, it’s important to add facilities that will support your visitors. These include food trucks that can provide delicious meals and bring in an extra source of income. You’ll also need baby-changing stations, photo-printing booths, and even more basic amenities. Some of the most important of these facilities are necessary to take care of your visitors’ essential needs.

Orlando, FL is the home of Disney World, and even here, things like porta potties and hand washing stations are important. Thankfully, you can rent these facilities rather easily and place them throughout your car show. Try to put them in areas where you know your viewers are likely to hang out and put at least one toilet up for every 50 visitors.

Careful Preparation Steps

Depending on where you hold your show, you’re likely to experience many potential problems. For example, cities in the northern part of the United States may experience heavy rainfall and snow that could affect your show’s safety. Furthermore, about 40% of all hurricanes that hit the east coast land in Florida, making this state particularly difficult when planning an outdoor car show.

How can you prepare for these dangers when you’re booking your show so far in advance? Well, consider the season and provide high-quality storage areas where your participants can place their vehicles if things get bad. Large storage sheds can easily be installed temporarily and will ensure that your show’s cars are safe. They also provide a last-ditch place for your visitors to buckle down during major storms.

By taking all these steps and considerations into mind, you can improve your outdoor auto show and provide the high-quality experience that your team deserves. Just as importantly, you can make sure that your show goes off without a hitch and bring in even more money with your show.

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