What You Should Know About Bullseye Disease


The black-legged and deer ticks are responsible for transmitting Lyme disease also known as the Bulls-eye disease through spiral-shaped bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi. The Lyme disease has a wide range of symptoms that are similar to other ailments, which makes it difficult to diagnose. To make it more difficult, the deer tick also transmits other bacteria, parasites, and viruses that are responsible for their diseases.

The Lyme disease is the fifth most reported disease yet it is profoundly underreported. Unfortunately, the black-legged ticks are increasing their geographical spread, and you can find them half the counties in 43 to 50 states in the United States.

Furthermore, most infected persons who are treated within the three weeks of antibiotics have a good prognosis. Nonetheless, it is more challenging to treat Lyme disease after many weeks, months and even years after infection. The bacteria can move to the central nervous system, joints, muscles, hearts and eyes within a few days of a tick bite.

The bulls-eye disease is sometimes divided into three categories: the acute, early disseminated, and the late disseminated stages. However, the progression of the disease differs from individuals; in essence, not everybody goes through each stage.

This is to say everybody reacts differently to the bacteria; some may have all the symptoms, while some may have a few signs. Also, the severity of each symptom may vary from individual.

Three symptoms of Lyme disease

Lyme disease has different symptoms, but the common ones include rashes, fatigue, and joint pain.


A rash is one the common symptoms of a Lyme disease; it appears like a solid red oval or bulls-eye. The rash can appear anywhere on the body. The solid red oval-shaped rash has a central red spot, and it is surrounded by a clear circle with a wider red circle on the outside. The rash does not itch, but it is a sign that the infection is spreading within your skin tissues. However, the rash expands, and fades over time even though you are not treated- it gives a false impression to the person that the disease has been cured, which is far from the truth.

The first red rash mostly appears at the bite area within 3 to 30 days. The rash similar to the first one may appear five weeks after the infected tick bite as the bacteria spread through the tissues.


Not everyone has the bulls-eye rash a Lyme disease symptom, but most infected persons experience fatigue. Lack of energy, tiredness, and exhaustion are frequent symptoms of the disease. The infected person may feel the need to take a nap during the day or sleep one or more hours longer than usual. Unfortunately, fatigue is also a sign of pregnancy in women, and other diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome, depression or fibromyalgia. It is necessary to go for one or more Lyme disease test to get an accurate result.

Joint pains or swelling

The third most common symptom of Lyme disease is the swollen joint. The joint pain or stiffness is part of the early signs of Lyme disease. The infected person may have inflamed, swollen and painful joints. You may also have difficulty in moving your joints, and pain may move around from neck, knees, and heels.

This symptom may be confused for genetics or age problem- it is essential to do a Lyme disease test to get the right diagnosis. In addition, you can prevent the disease by destroying or exterminating ticks.

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