What is a sinus infection? symptoms, cause, treat, prevent the sinus infection

Useful information about sinus infection symptoms

Air pollution and climate changes and severe air pollution are making the pathogenic microorganisms more potent and cause the risk of sinus infections to increase. In particular, sinusitis is considered a common disease that can be spread from person to another person easily but it is challenging to treat completely.

Furthermore, if the sinus infection not detected early and treated aggressively, it can cause some uncommon side effects such as

Encephalitis, septicemia

The spread of bacterial infection is rapidly spreading

For children or people who lack resistance, the sinus infection can lead to complications in the orthosis and causing a post-ophthalmic abscess which can be fatal. This complication is more common than encephalitis or septicemia.

Sinusitis is not treated correctly during acute stages; the disease will progress to chronic conditions, which can be seen as a sign of coughing throughout the day.

Renal insufficiency (due to tonsillitis), but not much.

When the weather is cold, people take precautions to protect their health. It is the reason why the post will show important information about sinus infection including treatment, symptoms, and prevention.

  1. What is a sinus infection?

Sinus infection is an inflammation that occurs in the sinuses. When the lining of the sinuses becomes inflamed, it secures the nasal passages, so that the body’s mucus produced daily will remain in the sinuses, this causes infections.

  1. Sinus infection symptoms

The main sinus infection symptoms are nasal congestion, yellow or blue nasal discharge and facial pain. Furthermore, in some cases, some people may also have a toothache because they stick to the top of the jaw. You may even feel very heavy and tired.

  1. The cause of sinus infection symptoms

The most common cause of sinus infection is a viral infection. Usually a cold can turn into a sinus infection. If the inflammation does not go away after a few days and the mucus buildups in the sinus, it will cause a disease.

Different between sinus infection symptoms and cold

Although the symptoms of these two conditions are very similar at first, the cold usually lasts for 5-7 days, and then the symptoms begin to improve. But sinus infections usually will not disappear quickly. According to doctors, sinus infections will continue for at least ten days and typically start to worsen from day 10 and last about a week later.

Is sinus infection contagious?

In most cases, sinus infection is not contagious. For the first two days before you can know if you have a cold or a sinus infection, you can get it. At the beginning of the illness, you can spread many viruses in the secretions from the nose everywhere. But at the time the virus turns into a sinus infection, you are no longer infected.

  1. How to treat the sinus infection contagious

The doctor recommends the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers such as Advil Cold and Sinus, Sudafed, Mucinex D or Motrin. Some physicians may prescribe steroids to help remove infections from the body and strong painkillers such as Afrin which can help clear the nasal passages in the early days of nasal congestion.

Furthermore, for chronic sinusitis, sinus surgery is prevalent. This depends on the level of chronic inflammation, but surgery is very effective when opening the drainage and normal rehabilitation of the sinus.

Treatment of a sinus infection

At mild levels of the disease, patients are usually prescribed a simple analgesic, rhinitis or sauna with warm physiological saline. Besides, it will combine with lifestyle changes like eating hot, resting and relaxing more. After two days, if the symptoms of sinusitis do not improve or the condition worsens, the doctor should be diagnosed and may be given antibiotics and anti-inflammatory. Patients will be instructed to wash their sinuses when they have chronic inflammation.

Treatment of the surgical sinus infection

Surgical treatment is usually used for the ineffective medical treatment of sinusitis, which is common in chronic disease. However, studies show that after surgery, patients with sinusitis still have a 30-40% risk of recurrence. Therefore, patients should carefully consider the surgery if it is not necessary. Moreover, the possibility of recurrence of sinusitis depends on the patient’s locus, sinusitis or whether the patient complies with the treatment regimen.

  1. How to prevent the sinus infection

Get flu shots, wash your hands properly and do anything to reduce the risk of getting sick.

Wear a face mask before going to the road or when you arrive in dusty areas. Keep the environment clean, away from dust, smoke, etc.

Avoid breathing in cold and dry air. It is important to keep warm when it is cold and rainy, especially for those who have to work late or get up early because these are susceptible to colds and sinusitis.

Protect your airways carefully by cleaning your nose regularly with the aqueous solution of seawater.

Add lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and avoid fatigue stress in life

Do not let the nasal congestion last, treat allergies timely and adequately. Especially the patients do not voluntarily use nasal sprays.

Build proper resting and physical training to improve physical strength and prevent colds. When nasal congestion lasts for more than three days, the nose is yellow or blue, so see a specialist soon to treat it.

Hope that the information above will help you understand more about sinus infection disease. If you need more information about the disease, you should see a doctor.

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