Post-Pregnancy Body Restoration: Surgical Mommy Makeover vs. 4 Natural Ways

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Although labor pains create lifetime of blessings, the effects of pregnancy and breast feeding leave lasting marks on your body. Bringing a child into this world is no small undertaking, and no mommy should feel uncomfortable in her own skin. To be the best you and mother you can be, invest in showing yourself some love and care.

In this article we reviewed and compared the popular options for restoring your body after pregnancy to help you decide on the best course of action to get your body back.

Mommy Makeover Procedures

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Creating another life is one of the greatest joys on Earth. However, few changes will reverse themselves on their own, and sometimes diet and exercise just won’t cut it.

Mommy Makeover procedures are individualized combinations of cosmetic approaches that restore bodies to pre-pregnancy shape. Usually performed in one surgical session, these makeovers reshape and tone stomachs and waistlines, rejuvenate breasts, and leave new and experienced mommies feeling reinvigorated.

To gain desired results safely, Dr. Olga Bachilo, the leading female plastic surgeon in Houston TX, warns future mommy makeover patients that the surgery is better to be performed at least a year after a woman stops breastfeeding. The recovery period usually lasts for approximately 4 weeks and depends on the types of chosen procedures.

Listed below are the most common mommy makeovers chosen by women to restore their bodies after pregnancy.

Breast Lift

Weight fluxuations, pregnancy, breast feeding, and aging can all contribute to making you feel less than satisfied with your breasts. Otherwise known as mastopexy, breast lift surgery can be performed with or without implants to give breasts a more full, attractive, and comfortable shape. Your treatment plan can be fully customized to your preferences and lifestyle so you can enjoy long-lasting results that give you the confidence boost you deserve.

Tummy Tuck

After giving birth to your child, you can be left with more than excess skin around your midsection. Abdominal muscles can be separated during pregnancy, and your muscles may need surgery to repair your structure. A tummy tuck tightens your muscles with sutures, removes excess skin, and trims your waistline. Typically, the incision is made low under your navel so the line can easily heal and be covered by clothing.


Weight gain commonly accompanies pregnancy, and because your metabolism changes and pounds can be stubborn, liposuction can be a good option to remove excess fat that accumulates near your hips, thighs, and other areas of the body. By making small incisions throughout your problem areas, fat can be removed. With liposuction, love handles can slim down and muffin tops will be no more.

Female Rejuvenation

Advanced rejuvenation procedures can improve your sensitivity and sensuality. A vaginoplasty tightens lax vaginal walls and restores elasticity to help with vaginal tone and shape. A pubic lift decreases the amount of skin covering the pubis, and the O shot can stimulate and encourage new blood circulation. To find the right ways you can improve your sex life and enjoy better orgasms, consult a specialist.

Natural Ways

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Workout Routine

Getting rid of loose skin and weight after pregnancy can be a tiring process, but you can go a long way with determination and consistency.

To get back in shape faster, consider working in cardio or strength training into your schedule. For cardio and strength training after pregnancy two types of machines fit best: treadmill and elliptical machine. Both have their unique advantages you can learn about in this detailed comparison guide by YouthulHome. Before starting to go to the gym, don’t forget to consult with your doctor and get their approval.

If you can’t fit a gym session in your day, brisk walks with your baby, dancing around the house while lifting your child, and other mommy-and-baby home workouts can fit into just about any schedule. This Month-by-Month Postpartum Workout Plan from that can be performed even with a baby carriage will help you ease into the training routine safely.

Healthy Diet

Figuring out which diet works for you is more than half the battle in staying happy and healthy. There are many types of diets out there, and there is no one-size-fits-all option. Consider your lifestyle, metabolic structure, and personal preferences to find the right choice for you. To help build muscles, find the appropriate amount of daily protein, caloric intake, and macronutrients for your lifestyle. And of course, don’t forget to drink 8 glasses of water per day.

“Fish and seafood are some of the best choices for moms when going on a healthy protein-rich diet after pregnancy”—advises Brooks Bassler, the head chef at BB’s Tex-Orleans, a Cajun cuisine restaurant in Houston, TX—“it’s low in calories and full of important nutrients, and omega-3 fatty acids. For example, just 150 gram of tuna contains 39 grams of protein, with only 179 calories.”

Skin Firming Products

Having firm, bright skin can make you look and feel vibrant. Unfortunately, skin loses elasticity overtime, which leads to sagging and aging. To smooth out wrinkles and prevent early aging, consider investing in skin-tightening products that include beneficial ingredients like retinol and ascorbic acid, otherwise known as vitamin A and vitamin C. Certain creams encourage collagen production, and massaging products that contain collagen can also help your skin stay looking firm and fresh. Use this helpful list from enumerating skin tightening ingredients that you should look for when choosing skin care products.


A perinatal massage or postpartum can help lower swelling, improve sleep, and decrease stress levels to make breastfeeding easier on you. Certain massages may involve essential oils to help balance hormone and mood levels. This natural procedure can also improve healing and assist with recovering from a C-section. You can receive a postpartum massage as soon after labor as you feel comfortable, and you can choose whatever position feels most comfortable if you’re experiencing soreness in your breasts or abdomen.

What Could Work for You Better?

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The question of whether you should pursue a Mommy Makeover or stick to natural pregnancy restoration techniques depends on a number of factors that are entirely personal to you.

The risks involved with Mommy Makeovers are similar to other surgeries, and the results are not instantaneous. Although the recovery period can take up to a month and full results might not be seen for 12 months, patients usually are extremely satisfied by their outcomes. Don’t forget about the cost: for a set of mommy makeover procedures you will need to pay a few thousand dollars.

Meanwhile, diet, exercise, and self-care routines can lead to great results with less of an up-front cost. With that said, some effects of pregnancy can’t be reversed without surgical intervention, such as separated abdominal muscles or vaginal damage.

Some mothers aren’t happy with the results from natural approaches alone, while other women are uncomfortable by the idea of cosmetic surgical procedures. To find the best course of action for you, consult with a trusted professional.

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