Hair Transplant is the popular hair loss treatment in Delhi

Hair Transplant in Delhi has seen growth in unexpected ways. People in Delhi are understanding the need for hair transplant, not in a glamorous way, but why it is needed in one’s life is the crux of this industry’s growth.

What is a hair transplant? A solution to your hair loss. But, really?

This is how people generally talk among themselves when the topic of hair transplant gets raised in the conversation. But, how many of you actually know what hair transplant is?

What is Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant is the surgical way of getting your lost hair back. The general procedure of hair transplant is taking hair from one side of the scalp and implanting it on another part of the scalp where baldness is residing with glory.

Is that a solution to your Hair Loss problem?

Yes, it is. There are hair loss conditions like androgenetic alopecia that cannot be cured by merely doing some hair loss treatments. At that time, Hair Transplant comes into the picture.

But how it is done?

Let us know how it is performed.


Let’s get started with the crucial steps to be performed:

Step 1: Marking of recipient area for transplantation

Step 2: Donor area is trimmed for extraction

Step 3: Local anaesthesia is given to the donor area

Step 4: Donor hair is extracted using whichever technique (mentioned below) is chosen for hair transplant.

Step 5: Local anaesthesia is given to the recipient area.

Step 6: Incisions (holes) are made in the bald area.

Step 7: Hair Grafts are implanted in holes using forceps.

Hair graft is the hair-bearing tissues which contain 2 or more hair follicles.

Hair transplant is the procedure which can be done using different techniques in chronological order according to the cost:

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation)

A strip of skin is extracted from the back of the scalp and then form that strip, hair grafts are separated and these hair grafts are then implanted in the bald region after making incisions, one by one.

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

Here, instead of a strip of skin, the hair transplant surgeon makes incisions around a hair graft and then extracts it using forceps or NeoGraft tool or by taking the help of the robotic system. This process is repeated until the required number of hair grafts are harvested for transplantation. Hair grafts are then implanted, one by one.

DHI (Direct Hair Implantation)

This technique is a bit different from FUE. Here, the extraction process is the same but it is implanted directly into the scalp without making incisions. This is carried out by using a patented implanter pen.

Robotic Hair Transplant

Robotic hair transplant is carried out using a robotic system called the ARTAS robot. Here, only the extraction of hair grafts is done. Implantation of hair is supposed to be done by the hair transplant surgeon himself.

Which technique should be used for hair transplant?

In Delhi, this question will be answered by the dermatologist or hair transplant surgeon after consultation. The patient cannot choose any technique on his own. There are various reasons such as surgeon’s expertise, the number of hair grafts needed to get the desired hairline and many more, contributing the decision of choosing a particular technique to go with.

Sometimes, FUE is used because the number of grafts required is less. FUT is used when there is a need for a great number of grafts. There are instances where hair transplant surgeon goes with the combination of both, FUE and FUT. DHI and Robotic method have their own criteria to qualify for the hair transplant surgery.

Cost of hair transplant can be the biggest concern to anyone, but it all depends on the clinic. Hair transplant cost in Delhi is reasonable otherwise if any high-tech types of equipment are used then the cost can rise.
If you are looking for any hair loss solution, get to know about hair transplant by doing thorough research and enquires regarding any doubt that comes up in your mind.
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