10 Safety Tips for People with Allergies

Everyone likes to spend time outside and have fun but people with allergies are mostly hesitant in going out due to various weather conditions. Sometimes the pollens in spring or summer are dangerous for you or the chilling cold wind and snow has a potential risk factor. Here we share 5 safety tips for all those who are prone to allergies.

  1. Try Salt Water

Before you are exposed to medicines, you can try gargling with salty warm water or saline nasal rinse to clear off the pollens or allergy-causing particles. The salty warm water soothes the itchy and scratchy throat and reduces the allergy symptoms.

  1. Take Rest

The moment you get back home you should change your shoes and work clothes immediately and dress up in comfortable clean clothes so that you may have fewer chances of dragging allergens in your home.

  1. Wear a Mask While out in the Allergy Season

It’s best to prevent the allergy from wearing a mask when you are out in the allergy season. There are many such tasks which can cause you allergy but you can’t avoid; better to go out with a surgical mask as they can filter 95 percent of particles.

  1. Windows and Fresh Air

If you are allergic to pollens, do not open the windows very often, on the other hand, if you are allergic to the particles indoor such as dust mites and moles keep the windows open to let the fresh air in.

  1. Washing Hands

During the allergy season, all the family members must wash their hands to get rid of allergens.

  1. Get Proper Medical Treatment

If you are aware that a pollens season can cause you severe allergy, you must seek the proper treatment at the right time.

  1. Avoid Going Outside at certain Time of the Day

Smog can be extremely harmful and can cause multiple allergies and asthma. It’s better to avoid unnecessarily going out in heavy smoggy days and spend the maximum time at home.

  1. Check and Change your Air Filters

If the air filters get clogged they can stop working causing dust particles, dust mites and moles to grow and cause allergic a reaction. The solution is to keep checking and changing the air filters at least once per week.

  1. Avoid the Food that can cause allergies

When going out on dinner or lunch you must be aware of the ingredients that you order. If your doctor has already warned you about some kind of food sensitivities than you must avoid such ingredients.

  1. Deep Clean your Home

It may sound weird but the cozy indoor is sometimes more harmful in triggering allergies than dusty outdoor. If you don’t clean your carpets, curtains, comforters, and windows very often than the major cause of your allergy is the inside of the house. Better to take a round of deep cleaning of the house removing all the dust in the home, vacuuming, mopping and dusting with a surgical mask on.

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