Best indoor plants for apartments

In today’s world, everyone is busy with their jobs and acquiring money. All of us think about saving some money for rainy days once in a while. But we never think about saving our health as though practically thinking health is much more important than money. In this money-oriented world, no one has enough time for themselves or their health.

We are working all around the year in closed spaces and high-rise buildings. This behavior leads to stress, frustration, and other diseases. We don’t spend enough time doing recreational activities or breathing fresh air.

The indoor plantation is an eco-friendly and cheap solution to all of these above-mentioned problems. It does not require a lot of time or monetary investment but helps you to breathe and think better.

A good rule of thumb is to select plants that need the same amount of light and water that your Irving apartment receives. If your Irving apartments has a lot of natural sunlight, then it would be best to avoid plants that need low-light conditions or can’t tolerate direct sun exposure. Similarly, if your Irving apartment is dark and not very well ventilated, then it would be better to choose plants that don’t require a lot of water or humidity to survive.

Many indoor plants provide health benefits. They protect you from harmful gases in your apartment or your workspace by absorbing them. Apart from health benefits, indoor plants add to the aesthetic and beauty of your apartment and add freshness to the space. Some of them are listed down below so you can choose the appropriate one for your living space.

Snake plant

Its scientific name is Dracaena trifasciata and is commonly known as mother-in-law’s tongue. This plant is very unique due to its shape and looks exactly like a snake coming out of a basket hence the name.

A lot of effort is not required to keep the snake plant alive. Even if you have a very busy routine, it will not stop glowing and growing. It’s good for apartments where direct light is an issue as it can very well survive in indirect light. You just need to water it when the plant is completely dry. This small effort will help your plant to live up to five to ten years.

Snake plants absorb cancerous chemicals and fumes from the air including formaldehyde, toluene, benzene, and xylene. Its most striking property is to release oxygen at night time therefore it’s kept on side tables.

Macodes petola

Macodes petola is a member of the family Orchidaceae and is endemic to southeast Asia. It is a well-known ornamental plant due to the peculiar pattern of white veins on its leaves and its striking flowers.

Macodes petola usually bloom in the winter months and its petals are red-brown with a yellow edge and white lip. A lot of care or effort is not required for the maintenance. You need to water this plant when it’s dry otherwise the soil will not be aerated enough.

Indirect sunlight exposure will be good enough to help the plant grow properly. You can place it in any corner of your apartment and this plant will surely add life to it.

Macodes petola prefers a warm, humid environment and it’s the perfect choice for people already living in such areas. For those of you who don’t live in warm places, you can always install a humidifier so that your apartment temperature is in check.


Pothos plant is called Epipremnum Aureum scientifically and it’s a native to Móorea. It has lush green foliage which is quite a sight if placed in apartments. You can also hang your pothos plants and it gives a very fresh look to the living space.

They can very well survive in bright, indirect light and watering twice a week. The frequency of watering mainly depends upon the surrounding temperatures. If your apartment is humid and warm most of the time you need to water the pothos plants more otherwise twice a week will be enough.

Pothos plant also has a lot of health benefits. It absorbs fumes and chemicals originating from your furniture and rugs. It can also purify your air from formaldehyde. Pothos are toxic to animals and humans are ingested in large quantities. If you have a pet or a toddler around you need to be vigilant around this plant.

Peace lily

The scientific name for peace lily is Spathiphyllum. This species belongs to the Araceae family and is also known as the closet plant. This specific name indicates the property of living in shady areas with little to no light. Therefore it’s the perfect choice for apartments and closed working spaces.

The peace lily is very popular as an indoor plant as a lot of effort is not required for its growth and development. They do not need direct sunlight and can survive in low light conditions. This plant needs fertilizer about twice a year. Watering is an important point for peace lilies as it likes a little more water. It also has air purifying qualities and absorbs acetone from the air.

Bamboo palm

Bamboo palm is called chamaedorea seifrizii scientifically and it naturally is present in Mexico and Central America. It is quite a low-maintenance plant that will not take much of your time. Its lush foliage looks very aesthetic and adds a pop of color to your living areas.

You should avoid overwatering your bamboo palm as the soil needs to be well aerated. Low light conditions are not a problem as this plant can cope with them very well. It is quite a famous ornamental plant and is usually kept in laundries and rooms.

It absorbs all the harmful chemicals that emit from the electrical appliances used in our homes and offices. Therefore, it’s a great addition to your room as it will help you relax and also purify your surroundings.

Spider plant

Spider plant is called chlorophytum comosum in scientific language and it is native to tropical and southern Africa. It is also known as spider ivy and ribbon plant. The name ribbon plant is given due to its leaves which resemble a ribbon.

Spider plant is a very easy plant to take care of. It is especially good if you want your plant to self to propagate. Spider ivy propagates by sending out off-shoots. It grows well in low light areas which get Indirect light. If your apartment has low humidity levels it’s the best home for a spider plant.

Spider plants are known to absorb harmful gases and chemicals from the living areas. They are also known to be therapeutic plants.

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