Are You Planning to Leverage the Benefits of Medical Marijuana? Tips to Talk to Your Doctor

Sometimes people feel awkward when they want to talk to their doctor regarding the medical use of marijuana. They often think that the doctors would assume they want to get stoned. Many people avoid discussing the potential health benefits of medical marijuana just because they assume that their doctors don’t have enough knowledge about it. 

Many patients suffer from concerns and anxiety while talking to general physicians about the uses of medical marijuana. 

People who are suffering from chronic medical conditions face extreme challenges in completing basic tasks. The thought of discussing with a doctor the use of medical marijuana should develop a sense of hope and relief. While medical marijuana is gaining super popularity due to its medical benefits, many doctors don’t know much about medical marijuana and avoid prescribing it. Here are some great tips for talking to your doctor about medical marijuana. 

Background Information 

Remember that the effectiveness of marijuana is not the same as the other traditional medicines. This is why many patients know more about medical marijuana than the doctors themselves. This is completely understandable as medical marijuana is dependent on two-way communication between your doctors and you. 

If you want to be prepared for the perfect conversation with your doctors regarding the uses of medical marijuana, make sure you have solid and relevant knowledge regarding marijuana as well as Australian medical access. Once you completely understand medical marijuana and the access landscape, you will be able to leverage the proper benefits of medical marijuana. Don’t forget to ask your doctors as many questions as you want to know more about medical marijuana in Australia.

Prepare Your Marijuana Case 

Most people assume that asking doctors to prescribe marijuana for medical purposes is a challenging task. This is undoubtedly true as many Australians are afraid whether the doctors will think of them as stoned or not. 

Even though you should not ask your doctors directly about the use of medical marijuana, make sure you prepare yourself for the conversation so that you can handle the process smoothly. Here are the important things you need to make the discussion more fruitful:

  • Your overall medical history and treatments that failed. This will help the doctors understand whether your body can handle marijuana. 
  • The objections from your doctor’s perspective
  • How do your doctors cope with various pieces of information about medical marijuana? 

Education of the Doctor

This is one of the most important things you need to remember while discussing with your doctor about medical marijuana. Many Australians have noticed that doctors lack education and knowledge regarding medical marijuana. If this is the case, make sure you determine whether the doctors have sufficient education regarding the uses and benefits of medical marijuana and whether they are willing to help you as a patient. As per NCBI, remember that marijuana is not a prescription medicine. 

If you think that the doctor doesn’t know much about medical marijuana, make sure you reconsider your options. 


These are the tips to talk to your doctor about medical marijuana. If you have any other questions, make sure you let us know by commenting below. 


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